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危险品运输中需要注意哪些问题?What problems should be paid attention to in the transportation of dangerous goods?
作者 Author达众包装       发布时间Release time :2022.06.24
1、 运载危险品的车辆不得停放在学校、政府办公场所、市场、名胜古迹和风景名胜区。
2、 车厢内严禁吸烟。装卸危险品时,应使用不会产生火花的工具。车辆不得靠近明火、高温场所和阳光照射场所。载运石油的油罐车在停车、装卸时应配备地线。行驶时,地线应与地面接触,以防静电引起火灾。
3、 包装上应有清晰、标准、易于识别的标志。装运前,应根据危险货物的性质、运输距离和路况,以安全的方式进行包装。包装必须牢固、严密。
4、 危险品装卸现场的道路、灯光、标志和消防设施必须符合安全装卸条件。装卸危险品时,装卸人员应注意自身防护,穿戴必要的防护用品,严格遵守操作规程,小心装卸,严禁触摸、撞击、翻滚、重压和倒置。怕湿的货物应该用油布盖住。货物必须堆放整齐,捆扎牢固,不同性质的危险品不得装在同一辆车上,如雷管、炸药等。
5、 根据危险品的不同性质,对危险品进行妥善处置,以防在运输过程中发生泄漏。当炸药散落时,应将其移至安全的地方,以便修理或更换包装。泄漏的炸药应及时用水浸泡,并由当地公安消防人员处理。储存压缩气体或液化气体的储罐发生泄漏时,应移至通风场所,并对泄漏的钢瓶进行浇水冷却;当液氨泄漏时,可将其浸入水中,其他剧毒气体应浸入石灰水中。当易燃固体物质散落时,应迅速将散落的包装移至安全的地方。当黄磷散落时,应立即将其浸入水中。金属钠、钾等必须浸入装有煤油或无水液体石蜡的铁桶中。如果易燃液体泄漏,应及时将泄漏部分向上移动到安全通风的地方,修理或更换包装。应使用黄沙和干土覆盖泄漏物,然后将其清除。
6、 被危险品污染的车辆和工具必须清洗干净。
1. Vehicles carrying dangerous goods shall not be parked in schools, government offices, markets, places of interest and scenic spots.
2. No smoking in the carriage. When loading and unloading dangerous goods, use tools that will not produce sparks. Vehicles shall not be close to open fire, high-temperature places and places exposed to sunlight. The oil tanker carrying oil shall be equipped with ground wire during parking, loading and unloading. When driving, the ground wire should be in contact with the ground to prevent fire caused by static electricity.
3. The package shall have clear, standard and easily identifiable marks. Before shipment, the dangerous goods shall be packed in a safe manner according to their nature, transportation distance and road conditions. The package must be firm and tight.
4. The roads, lights, signs and fire-fighting facilities at the dangerous goods loading and unloading site must meet the safe loading and unloading conditions. When loading and unloading dangerous goods, the loading and unloading personnel shall pay attention to their own protection, wear necessary protective articles, strictly abide by the operating procedures, and load and unload carefully. It is strictly prohibited to touch, impact, roll, press and invert. Wet goods should be covered with tarpaulins. The goods must be stacked neatly and tied firmly. Dangerous goods of different properties shall not be loaded on the same vehicle, such as detonators, explosives, etc.
5. According to the different properties of dangerous goods, the dangerous goods shall be properly disposed to prevent leakage during transportation. When explosives are scattered, they should be moved to a safe place for repair or replacement of packaging. The leaked explosives shall be soaked in water in time and handled by local public security firefighters. If the storage tank storing compressed gas or liquefied gas leaks, it shall be moved to a ventilated place and the leaking steel cylinder shall be watered for cooling; When liquid ammonia leaks, it can be immersed in water, and other highly toxic gases should be immersed in lime water. When flammable solid substances are scattered, the scattered packages shall be quickly moved to a safe place. When yellow phosphorus is scattered, it shall be immersed in water immediately. Metal sodium, potassium, etc. must be immersed in an iron bucket containing kerosene or anhydrous liquid paraffin. If flammable liquid leaks, the leaking part shall be moved up to a safe and ventilated place in time to repair or replace the package. Spills shall be covered with yellow sand and dry soil and then removed.
6. Vehicles and tools contaminated by dangerous goods must be cleaned.
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