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影响瓦楞纸箱质量的因素Factors affecting the quality of corrugated boxes
作者 Author达众包装       发布时间Release time :2022.06.23
1. 瓦楞纸箱的材质:瓦楞纸箱是由面纸,芯纸,里纸构成的,材质的优劣对瓦楞纸箱质量好坏影响较大,市面上各厂家材质代码略有不同,原纸的等级划分有A纸,B纸,C纸,K纸,一般K纸为200g左右,A约为160g左右,B为120g左右。在相同楞别的条件下,K级纸优于A级纸,A级纸优于B级纸,B级优于C级纸,材质的好坏手感能感觉出来,优材质重量足,手感厚重,坚挺,外观颜色均匀,有光泽,杂质少。
1. material of corrugated box: corrugated box is composed of face paper, core paper and lining paper. The quality of the material has a great impact on the quality of corrugated box. The material codes of various manufacturers in the market are slightly different. The grade of base paper includes a paper, B paper, C paper and K paper. Generally, K paper is 200g left and right, a is about 160g and B is about 120g. Under the same conditions, k-grade paper is better than A-grade paper, A-grade paper is better than B-grade paper, and B-grade paper is better than C-grade paper. The quality of the material can be felt. The quality material has sufficient weight, thick and firm feel, uniform appearance color, luster and less impurities.
Material comparison
C is generally recycled paper, with fast water absorption and easy deterioration, and its performance is not as good as grade B paper. Water absorption comparison
2. the corrugated box process includes paperboard printing, slotting, stapling and other processes. In the printing slotting unit, this part mainly consists of upper and lower line pressing wheels, upper and lower rollers, and upper and lower slotting knives. The paperboard passes through the upper and lower pressing wheels to complete the longitudinal pressing line and paper feeding functions of corrugated paperboard. With the development of science and technology, the printing slotting equipment has realized automation, and the air suction paper feeding is adopted. This paper feeding method is directly related to the stiffness and printing position of the carton in the paperboard processing process. If the pressure is too high, the paperboard will become soft and the stiffness will be reduced, which will affect the performance of corrugated boxes, such as box pressure and load-bearing. If the pressure is too low, the printing will move.
The quality of corrugated boxes can be preliminarily judged by visual inspection after forming. Whether the boxes are upright, whether the feel is firm, whether the printing is clear, whether the covers are sealed, etc. These carton quality indicators are closely related to the process. Therefore, the process level tests the level of printers and determines the level of the company's technical strength.
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