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危险品运输包装的要求Requirements for transport packaging of dangerous goods
作者 Author达众包装       发布时间Release time :2022.06.09
一、对有毒商品的包装要明显地标明有毒的标志。防毒的主要措施是包装严密不漏、不透气。例如重铬酸钾(红矾钾)和 重铬酸钠,红矾钠=为红色带透明结晶,有毒,应用坚固附桶包装,桶口要严密不漏,制桶的铁板厚度不能小于1.2毫米 。对有机农药一类的商品,应装入沥青麻袋,缝口严密不漏。如用塑料袋或沥青纸袋包装的,外面应再用麻袋或布袋包装。用作杀鼠剂的磷化锌有剧毒,应用塑料袋严封后再装人木箱中,箱内用两层牛皮纸、防潮纸或塑料薄膜衬垫,使其与外界隔绝。
二、对有腐蚀性的商品,要注意商品和包装容器的材质发生化学变化。金属类的包装容器,要在容器壁涂上涂料,防止腐蚀性商品对容器的腐蚀。例如包装合成脂肪酸的铁桶内壁要涂有耐酸保护层,防止铁桶被商品腐蚀,从而商品也随之变质。再如氢氟酸是无机酸性腐蚀物品,有剧毒,能腐蚀玻璃,不能用玻璃瓶作包装容器,应装入金属桶或塑料桶,然而再装入木箱。甲酸易挥发,其气体有腐蚀性,应装入良好的耐酸坛、玻璃瓶或塑料桶中,严密封口,再装入坚固的木 箱或金属桶中。
三、对黄磷等易自燃商品的包装,宜将其装入壁厚不少于1毫米的铁桶中,捅内壁须涂耐酸保护层,桶内盛水,并使水面 浸没商品,桶口严密封闭,每桶净重不超过50公斤。再如通水引起燃烧的物品如碳化钙,遇水即分解并产生易燃乙炔气 ,对其应用坚固的铁桶包装,桶内充入氮气。如果桶内不充氮气,则应装置放气活塞。
四、对于易燃、易爆商品,例如有强烈氧化性的,遇有微量不纯物或受热即急剧分解引起爆炸的产品。防爆炸包装的有 效方法是采用塑料桶包装,然后将塑料桶装入铁桶或木箱中,每件净重不超过50公斤,并应有自动放气的安全阀,当桶内达到一定气体压力时,能自动放气。
Different dangerous goods have different packaging requirements, mainly based on the nature of the goods, and there are dangerous goods packaging specifications. Let's take a look at the dangerous goods transportation packaging requirements
1、 The packages of toxic commodities shall be clearly marked with toxic signs. The main measures for anti-virus are tight and airtight packaging. For example, potassium dichromate (potassium jarosite) and sodium dichromate, sodium jarosite = red with transparent crystal, toxic, should be packed in a solid barrel, the barrel mouth should be tight, and the thickness of the iron plate for barrel making should not be less than 1.2mm. Commodities such as organic pesticides shall be packed into asphalt gunny bags with tight seams. If it is packed in plastic bags or asphalt paper bags, it shall be packed in gunny bags or cloth bags. Zinc phosphide, which is used as a rodenticide, is highly toxic. It should be sealed in a plastic bag and then put into a wooden box. The box is padded with two layers of kraft paper, moisture-proof paper or plastic film to isolate it from the outside world.
2、 For corrosive commodities, it is necessary to pay attention to chemical changes in the materials of commodities and packaging containers. Metal packaging containers shall be coated on the container wall to prevent the corrosion of corrosive goods to the container. For example, the inner wall of the iron bucket for packaging synthetic fatty acids should be coated with an acid resistant protective layer to prevent the iron bucket from being corroded by the commodity and the commodity from deteriorating. For another example, hydrofluoric acid is an inorganic acid corrosive substance, which is highly toxic and can corrode glass. Instead of using glass bottles as packaging containers, it should be put into metal barrels or plastic barrels, and then into wooden cases. Formic acid is volatile and its gas is corrosive. It should be put into a good acid resistant jar, glass bottle or plastic barrel, sealed tightly, and then put into a solid wooden box or metal barrel.
3、 For the packaging of yellow phosphorus and other commodities prone to spontaneous combustion, it is advisable to put them into an iron bucket with a wall thickness of not less than 1mm. The inner wall of the bucket must be coated with an acid resistant protective layer. The bucket is filled with water, and the water surface is immersed in the commodities. The bucket mouth is tightly closed, and the net weight of the barrel is not more than 50kg. Another example is that articles such as calcium carbide that cause combustion through water will decompose and generate flammable acetylene gas when encountering water. They shall be packed in strong iron drums filled with nitrogen. If the barrel is not filled with nitrogen, the vent piston shall be installed.
4、 For inflammable and explosive commodities, such as those with strong oxidizability, which will explode in the presence of trace impurities or when heated. The effective method of anti explosion packaging is to use plastic barrels for packaging, and then put the plastic barrels into iron barrels or wooden cases. The net weight of each piece is not more than 50kg, and there should be a safety valve for automatic deflation. When the barrel reaches a certain gas pressure, it can automatically deflate.
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