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彩印纸箱最常见的两个质量问题及解决办法Color printing carton is the most common two quality problems and solutions
作者 Author达众包装       发布时间Release time :2021.06.29
彩印纸箱产品出现油墨干燥速度慢的现象,它容易引起印刷品被粘坏,并给后加工带来一些困难,这一问题我们认为可以从以下三个方面着手解决: 1、适当延长后加工的间隔时间或将印品散开晾干。 2、改用吸墨性能稍强的原纸:如涂布白板纸在这方面就比漂白挂面纸白板纸吸收性能要强。 3、选用快干型油墨或者根据油墨的特性加入相应适量的干燥助剂,并减少着墨部位的施墨量。 二、产品的印墨部位被粘毛或粘破,这个问题的出现是因为白板纸、铜版纸、胶印纸的材质、纸质结构及生产工艺不同产生的,特别是冬季,由于气温低油墨粘度大,白板纸的挂面层或者涂布层常会出现印墨部位被粘毛或粘破的现象,严重影响印刷品的外观质量。针对这一问题,我们广州白云纸箱厂给出的解决方法如下: 1、选用拉毛度较强的白板纸,同时印刷压力也不宜太大。 2、橡皮布下垫的衬纸不能多,衬垫不能软,橡皮布使用一段时间后应用清洗剂擦洗干净。 3、可在润版液中加润湿粉和酒精(比例按5%~20%)降低着墨部位边缘上的张力,或根据不同型号的油墨,选用相应的调墨油,解粘剂或冲淡剂来降低油墨的粘度。 4、对印刷车间和室温进行控制,一般控制在19℃~28℃为宜,进入冬季最好将油墨适当加热,这样有利于提高油墨的流动性,并降低油墨的粘度。

Color printing carton products appear ink drying speed is slow, it is easy to cause printing is sticky, and bring some difficulties to post-processing, this problem we think can be solved from the following three aspects: 1, appropriate extension of the post-processing interval or the printed goods spread out to dry. 2, use ink absorption performance slightly stronger base paper: such as coated white board in this respect is better than bleaching hanging paper white board absorption performance. 3, choose fast drying ink or according to the characteristics of the ink to add the appropriate amount of drying additives, and reduce the amount of ink. Second, the ink part of the product be broken stick or stick, the emergence of the problem because the material of white board paper, coated paper, gelatine printing paper, paper structure and the production process is different, especially in winter, due to the temperature low ink viscosity, white board paper liners or coating layer often arise ink parts be sticky hairs or stick broken phenomenon, seriously affect the appearance of the print quality. In view of this problem, our Guangzhou Baiyun carton factory gives the solution as follows: 1, choose the white board with strong wool, and the printing pressure should not be too big. 2, the rubber blanket under the pad of the lining paper can not be more, the pad can not be soft, the rubber blanket used for a period of time after the application of cleaning agent scrub clean. 3, you can add wetting powder and alcohol in fountain solution (the proportion is 5% ~ 20%) to reduce the tension on the edge of the inking part, or according to different types of ink, choose the corresponding ink oil, destick or diluent to reduce the viscosity of the ink. 4, the printing workshop and room temperature control, generally controlled in 19℃ ~ 28℃ is appropriate, into the winter is best to properly heat the ink, which is conducive to improve the fluidity of ink, and reduce the viscosity of ink.

上一篇:瓦楞纸箱预印工艺以及操作要点 返回列表 下一篇:蜂窝纸板的特点
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