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瓦楞纸箱介绍Corrugated carton introduction
作者 Author达众包装       发布时间Release time :2021.06.29
瓦楞纸板是一个多层的粘合体,它最少由一层波浪形芯纸夹层(俗称“坑张”或“瓦楞芯纸”)及一层纸板(俗称“牛皮卡”)构成。它有很高的机械强度,能经受搬运过程中的碰撞和摔跌。瓦楞纸箱的实际表现就取决于芯纸和纸板的特性及纸箱本身的结构这三项因素。 瓦楞纸箱是由瓦楞纸板制作而成,是使用最广泛的纸容器包装,广泛用于运输包装。瓦楞纸箱之所以应用广泛,是因为它具有许多独特的优点: ①缓冲性能好。瓦楞纸板具有特殊结构,纸板结构中60~70%的体积是空的,故具有良好的减震性能,可避免被包装物品受碰撞和冲击。 ②轻便、牢固。瓦楞纸板是空心结构,用最少的材料构成刚性较大箱体,故轻便、牢固,与同容积的木箱相比,仅为木箱重量的1/4~1/5。 ③外形尺寸小。瓦楞纸箱在贮运时,可以折叠成平板状,便于贮运;使用时,打开即成箱体,且比同容积的木箱、胶合板箱体积小得多。 ④原料充足,成本低。生产瓦楞纸板的原料很多,边角木材、竹、麦草、芦苇等均可,故其成本较低,仅为同容积木箱的一半左右。 ⑤便于自动化生产。现已制造出成套瓦楞纸箱生产自动线,可大批量、高效率地生产瓦楞纸箱。 ⑥包装作业成本低。用瓦楞纸箱包装物品,易于实现物品自动化包装,减轻了包装工作量,也就降低了包装成本。 ⑦能包装多种物品。瓦楞纸箱本身包装物品范围大,但若与各种覆盖物和防潮材料结合制造,更可大大拓展使用范围,如防潮瓦楞纸箱可包装水果、蔬菜;加塑料薄膜覆盖的可包装易吸潮物品;使用塑料薄膜衬套,在箱中可形成密封包装,以包装液体、半流体物品等。 ⑧金属用量少。瓦楞纸箱的成型,只需要少量箱钉,与木箱制造相比,仅及它的5%。 ⑨印刷性能好。瓦楞纸板有良好的吸墨能力,易于印刷,便于宣传商品。 ⑩可回收复用。瓦楞纸箱可多次重复使用,降低了包装成本,且对环境无污染。

Corrugated board is a multilayer adhesive body, it is composed of at least a layer of corrugated core paper sandwich (commonly known as "pit zhang" or "corrugated core paper") and a layer of cardboard (commonly known as "cow pickup truck"). It has high mechanical strength and can withstand bumping and falling during handling. The actual performance of corrugated carton depends on the characteristics of the core paper and cardboard and the structure of the carton itself. Corrugated carton is made of corrugated cardboard, is the most widely used paper container packaging, widely used in transportation packaging. Corrugated carton is widely used, because it has many unique advantages: (1) good buffering performance. Corrugated cardboard has a special structure, 60~70% of the volume of the cardboard structure is empty, so it has good shock absorption performance, can avoid the packaged goods by the impact and impact. ② Light and firm. Corrugated board is hollow structure, with the least amount of material to constitute a large rigid box, so light, firm, compared with the same volume of wooden cases, only for the weight of the wooden case 1/4~1/5. (3) Small size. Corrugated cartons can be folded into flat plates for convenient storage and transportation. When in use, open into the box, and than the same volume of wooden boxes, plywood box volume is much smaller. (4) Sufficient raw materials and low cost. The production of corrugated cardboard raw materials are many, corner wood, bamboo, wheat straw, reed, etc., so its cost is low, only about half of the same volume of wooden cases. ⑤ Convenient for automatic production. Now we have produced a complete set of corrugated carton production automatic line, which can produce corrugated cartons in large quantities and with high efficiency. ⑥ Low cost of packing activities. It is easy to realize the automatic packing of articles with corrugated carton, which reduces the packing workload and reduces the packing cost. ⑦ Can package a variety of articles. Corrugated carton itself packaging goods range is large, but if combined with a variety of coverings and moisture-proof materials manufacturing, more can greatly expand the scope of use, such as moisture-proof corrugated carton packaging fruits and vegetables; Packaged and moisture absorbent articles covered with plastic film; The use of plastic film bushing, sealed packaging can be formed in the box, to packaging liquid, semi-fluid items, etc. ⑧ Less metal consumption. Corrugated box molding, only a small number of nails, compared with wooden box manufacturing, and only 5% of it. ⑨ Good printing performance. Corrugated board has good ink absorption ability, easy to print, easy to promote goods. ⑩ Can be recycled. Corrugated cartons can be reused for many times, reducing the packaging cost, and no pollution to the environment.

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