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常规纸箱印刷方式主要有柔印、胶印和网印三种Conventional carton printing is mainly flexo printing, offset printing and screen printing three
作者 Author达众包装       发布时间Release time :2021.06.29
瓦楞纸板的加工工艺主要分为两类,即全自动瓦楞纸板生产线生产工艺和半自动瓦楞纸板生产线生产工艺。全自动瓦楞纸板生产线生产工艺应用得比较广泛,具有生产批量大、纸箱成型体积较大、楞型质量好等优点。该工艺生产出来的瓦楞纸板,通常是通过水性印刷、开槽、粘糊、成型等工序制成纸箱的。以这种工艺生产出的纸箱主要用做运输包装。半自动瓦楞纸板生产线生产工艺是先印刷面纸,再与瓦楞芯纸、纸板进行裱合。该工艺生产出来的瓦楞纸板,常规采用模切压痕、粘钉等工序成箱。该工艺生产出的纸箱成型质量好、表面处理效果好。以这种工艺生产出的纸箱可用做销售包装。 常规纸箱印刷方式主要有柔印、胶印和网印三种 1.柔性版印刷 瓦楞纸箱常规的柔性版印刷瓦楞纸箱工艺是直接在瓦楞纸板上进行印刷,使用的是水基油墨,因此也有人将该工艺称为水印。柔性版直接印刷具有如下特点: 幅面大。宽幅的柔性版印刷机最大幅宽可达到2.5m~2.8m。 价格低。柔性版耐印力很高,可重复使用;油墨价格也较低。 可以联动生产,如印刷、开槽、压痕、订箱、打捆等一机即可完成。 纸箱强度降低比较少。由于柔印是轻压印刷,所以对瓦楞纸板的强度影响很小。 印刷精度不高,常规胶印加网线数为175线/英寸,而柔印纸箱常规加网线数字为35线/英寸~65线/英寸,属于低精度印刷方式,最适合印刷文字线条稿,四色图像印刷质量近年来虽有提高,但仍有局限。 制版有易有难,文字线条稿制版容易,四色图像制版难度较大。 印刷品质稳定性不好,主要体现为印刷墨色深浅不易控制。柔性版直接印刷工艺适用于第一类纸箱生产工艺过程,目前在我国的纸箱厂中应用很广泛。 2.胶印印刷 瓦楞纸箱常规胶印印刷瓦楞纸箱采用的是间接印刷方式,即先印刷纸箱面纸,再将印好的面纸裱贴到瓦楞纸板上。 由于PS版的分辨率比较高,所以可以印刷出非常精细的印刷图案。目前,我国用于销售包装的高档瓦楞纸箱绝大多数都为胶印产品。胶印印刷瓦楞纸箱具有如下特点: 不适合采用纸板联动生产线,仅适合采用单面瓦楞机,生产效率较低。 幅面有限,一般比柔印纸箱幅面小。 印刷产品非常精细,加网线数可以达到150线/英寸~200线/英寸。 制版容易,为PS版常规制版。 可以进行表面整饰,如覆膜、上光等。 印刷成本高。 印刷品质比较稳定。 3.丝网印别瓦楞纸箱 丝网印刷瓦楞纸箱工艺采用的是直接印刷方式。由于丝网版的下墨率与丝网的孔距成正比,所以,丝网印刷的分辨率不高,图像精度低,常规加网线数为60线/英寸~80线/英寸。丝网印刷瓦楞纸箱具有如下特点: 不适合联动生产线,生产效率低。 印刷幅面可大可小。 可在对裱、成箱前完成印刷,也可在对裱、成箱后进行印刷。 适合印刷非精细产品。丝网印刷的墨色厚实,所以其颜色饱和度高,视觉效果强烈,尤其是专色印刷的实地、效果更佳。 制版容易,制版成本低。印刷成本低。 印刷品质比较稳定。

Corrugated board processing technology is mainly divided into two categories, namely automatic corrugated board production line production process and semi-automatic corrugated board production line production process. The production process of automatic corrugated board production line is widely used. It has the advantages of large production batch, large box forming volume and good quality of corrugated board. The corrugated board produced by this process is usually made into cartons through water-based printing, slotting, sticking and forming processes. The carton produced by this process is mainly used for transportation packaging. The production process of semi-automatic corrugated board production line is firstly printing surface paper, then laminating with corrugated core paper and board. The corrugated board produced by the process, the conventional use of die-cutting indentation, nail and other processes into the box. The paper box produced by this process has good molding quality and surface treatment effect. Cartons produced in this process can be used as sales packaging. Conventional carton printing is mainly flexo printing, offset printing and screen printing three kinds of 1. Flexo printing corrugated carton conventional flexo printing corrugated carton process is directly printed on corrugated board, using water-based ink, so some people call the process watermark. Flexo direct printing has the following characteristics: large format. The maximum width of a wide-format flexographic printer can reach 2.5m~2.8m. The price is low. Flexo printing resistance is very high, can be reused; Ink prices are also lower. Can be linked production, such as printing, slotting, indentation, booking, bundling and other machine can be completed. The strength of the carton is reduced less. Because flexo printing is light press printing, so on the strength of corrugated board is very small. The printing accuracy is not high. The number of network cables in conventional offset printing is 175 lines/inch, while the number of network cables in flexo printing cartons is 35 lines/inch to 65 lines/inch. It is a low precision printing method, and it is most suitable for printing text line draft. Plate making is easy and difficult, text line draft plate making is easy, four color image plate making is difficult. Printing quality stability is not good, mainly reflected in the printing ink depth is not easy to control. Flexo direct printing process is suitable for the first type of carton production process, currently in China's carton factory is widely used. 2. Offset printing corrugated carton Conventional offset printing corrugated carton adopts indirect printing method, that is, first printing the surface paper of the carton, and then mounting the printed surface paper on the corrugated board. Because the PS version of the resolution is relatively high, so you can print very fine printing patterns. At present, the vast majority of high-grade corrugated boxes used for sales packaging in China are offset printing products. Offset printing corrugated carton has the following characteristics: not suitable for the use of cardboard linkage production line, only suitable for the use of single-sided corrugated machine, low production efficiency. Format is limited, generally smaller than flexo carton format. Printing products are very fine, and the number of network cables can reach 150 lines/inch ~200 lines/inch. Plate making is easy, for PS plate conventional plate making. Can be used for surface finishing, such as film, glazing, etc. Printing costs are high. The printing quality is relatively stable. 3 screen printing corrugated carton screen printing corrugated carton process is used in direct printing. Because the screen version of the next ink rate is proportional to the screen hole distance, so the screen printing resolution is not high, the image accuracy is low, the conventional number of network cable is 60 lines/inch ~80 lines/inch. Screen printing corrugated boxes have the following characteristics: not suitable for linkage production line, low production efficiency. Printing format can be large or small. It can be printed before mounting and packing, or printed after mounting and packing. Suitable for printing non-fine products. The ink color of screen printing is thick, so its color saturation is high and the visual effect is strong, especially the spot color printing field, the effect is better. Plate making is easy and low cost. Low printing cost. The printing quality is relatively stable.

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