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瓦楞纸纸箱的种类?及优点?What kinds of corrugated cartons? And advantages?
作者 Author达众包装       发布时间Release time :2021.06.29
瓦楞纸箱的种类繁多,按其结构大体上可分为三大类: 开槽型纸箱(02型):开槽型纸箱是运输包装中最基本的一种箱型,也是目前使用最广泛的一种纸箱。它是由一片或几片经过加工的瓦楞纸板所组成,通过钉合或粘合的方法结合而成的纸箱。它的底部及顶部折片(上、下摇盖)构成箱底和箱盖。此类纸箱在运输、储存时,可折叠平放,具有体积小、使用方便、密封防尘、内外整洁等优点。 套合型纸箱(03型):套合型纸箱由一片或几片经过加工的瓦楞纸板所组成,其特点是箱体和箱盖是分开的,使用时进行套合。此类纸箱的优点是装箱、封箱方便,商品装入后不易脱落,纸箱的整体强度比开槽型纸箱高。缺点是套合成型后体积大,运输、储存不方便。 折叠型纸箱(04型):折叠型纸箱也称为异型类纸箱,通常由一片瓦楞纸板组成,通过折叠形成纸箱的低、侧面、箱盖,不用钉合和粘合。 瓦楞纸箱附件 为了商品在运输过程中不受损坏,根据不同商品的特点和要求,需要设计出结构合理的附件,起到保护商品的作用。最基本的纸箱附件由以下几种: A 隔档:用于瓶类的易碎易损物品的包装,将各个物品在箱内隔开,防止晃动、碰撞。 B 衬板:衬板基本上由三中,一种是全衬板,用于箱内多层堆放作分层隔离之用。第二种是过桥衬板,是用于纸箱内摇盖合笼处,垫平空隙之用。第三种是衬圈,为提高纸箱的抗压强度和保护商品,在纸箱的四个侧面均围上衬板。 C 衬垫:根据商品不同的形状及薄弱的部位,设计各种衬垫,用于固定商品,确保商品在运输的过程中不致移动,同时具有缓冲的作用。

There are many kinds of corrugated boxes. According to its structure, it can be divided into three categories: slotted carton (02) : Slotted carton is the most basic type of carton in transportation packaging, and it is the most widely used carton at present. It is composed of one or several pieces of processed corrugated board, through the method of stitching or bonding the carton. Its bottom and top of the folding sheet (upper, lower shake cover) constitute the bottom of the box and the box cover. This kind of carton in transportation, storage, can be folded flat, has the advantages of small size, easy to use, sealed dustproof, clean inside and outside, etc.. Set type carton (03) : Set type carton is composed of one or several pieces of processed corrugated paperboard, its characteristic is that the box body and the box cover are separate, when using the set. The advantages of this kind of carton are packing, sealing convenient, goods loaded after not easy to fall off, the overall strength of the carton is higher than the slotted carton. The disadvantage is that the volume is large and the transportation and storage are not convenient. Folding carton (04) : Folding carton, also known as special-shaped carton, is usually composed of a piece of corrugated cardboard, which is folded to form the low, side and lid of the carton without stitching and bonding. In order to protect goods from damage in the process of transportation, according to the characteristics and requirements of different commodities, the need to design a reasonable structure of the annex, to protect the role of goods. The basic carton accessories are as follows: A: Used for the packaging of fragile and fragile bottles, to separate each item in the box to prevent shaking and collision. B lining board: lining board is basically composed of three, one is full lining board, used for stacked in the box for layered isolation. The second is the bridge lining board, which is used for shaking the cover and closing the cage in the carton to cushion the gap. The third is the lining ring, in order to improve the compressive strength of the carton and protect the goods, in the carton four sides are surrounded by lining board. C liner: according to the different shapes and weak parts of the goods, design a variety of liner, used to fix the goods, to ensure that the goods in the process of transportation will not move, at the same time has the role of cushioning.

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